Cable Head West


heat warning in effectHumidex values reaching 37 are expected.A period of very warm and humid weather is expected.Time span: tonight and Tuesday.Minimum temperature tonight: 20 degrees Celsius.Maximum temperature Tuesday: 29 degrees Celsius (Humidex 37).Location: Prince Edward Island.Remarks: Cooler conditions can be expected along parts of the coast.###Extreme heat can affect everyone’s health.Heat warnings are issued when very high temperature or humidity conditions are expected to pose an elevated risk of heat illnesses, such as heat stroke or heat exhaustion.Please continue to monitor alerts and forecasts issued by Environment Canada. To report severe weather, send an email to [email protected] or tweet reports using #PEStorm.Drink plenty of water regularly, even before you feel thirsty to decrease your risk of dehydration. Thirst is not a good indicator of dehydration.When it’s hot, eat cool, light meals. Avoid using the oven.

Environment Canada

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