Wrights Private Trailer Park


Hydrologic Outlook issued September 23 at 2:46PM EDT by NWS Miami FLESFMFLThe National Hurricane Center is forecasting Potential TropicalCyclone Nine to move northward from the Caribbean Sea into theeastern Gulf of Mexico during the middle to latter half of thisweek. This will bring deep tropical moisture across South Floridawith PWAT values reaching the 2.3 to 2.5 inch range. Theaforementioned PWAT values will be near the maximumclimatological values for this time of year supporting thepotential of heavy rainfall, especially across urban areas.Potential rainfall amounts between Tuesday night through Saturdaymorning looks to be between 2 to 4 inches over inland areas with 3to 5 inches over the metro areas of South Florida with locallyhigher amounts possible where a duration of heavy rain continuesfor a prolonged duration.There is still some uncertainty regarding the forecast over thenext couple of days. Users are reminded that shifts in track ofthe system may vary potential rainfall totals as uncertaintystill remains. A Flood Watch may be issued if confidence andpotential rainfall amounts increase. Interests in South Floridashould stay tuned to the latest forecasts from NWS Miami and theNational Hurricane Center.

National Weather Service

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